GIS Case Study

2011 – Present


NewEdge was initially contracted to prepare reports for the Public Works Department. These reports pulled data from work orders in Cityworks to generate monthly reports on lift stations, water production, pump motors, and other equipment. After successful delivery of the reports, NewEdge has continued to work with Highland Village in a support capacity. NewEdge has performed many training sessions for new users, refresher training for existing users, Crystal Reports and Administrator training. Under the support contracts, we have upgraded GIS and Cityworks hardware and software.

In 2014, NewEdge was contracted by the City to implement PLL for the Building Inspections and Permits Department. The City performed the initial data collection of permit types (Residential, Construction and Trade permits), fees, and case data. NewEdge used this data to configure the initial PLL database, then NewEdge and City staff held additional meetings to complete the database configuration. Under the contract, NewEdge provided PLL user and administrator training and continued support.

In 2016 NewEdge worked with the City to implement the PLL Public Access portal. The City had been hit very hard by a hailstorm and they needed a more efficient way for roofing contractors to apply for roofing permits. Since this time, the City has added more permit templates that allow contractors to apply and track permit status on-line.

NewEdge is currently working with the City to implement Cityworks for the Fleet and Facilities division. Go-live date is scheduled for October 2020.


  • Public Works
  • Building Inspections
  • Code Enforcement
  • Fleet, Facilities

Project Highlights

  • Cityworks Server AMS
  • Cityworks Server PLL
  • PLL Public Access